TEĎ NAOZAJ: Lukáš Valášek: A good investigative journalist is known by the fact that nobody likes him


Today's guest on the TEĎ NAOZAJ podcast was Lukáš Valášek, an investigative journalist from Seznam Zprávy. The main topics of our conversation were the level of Czech investigative journalism, the state of public media and their credibility, and last but not least, we focused on the life of an investigative journalist.

➡ What qualities must a good investigative journalist have?
➡ How did the death of Ján Kuciak affect Czech journalists?
➡ Where is the debate on the financing of Czech public service media leading?

The Czech-Slovak podcast NOW UP! is hosted by Andrea Michalcová and Veronika Víchová (X: @_AndreaMich and @VeruVichova) from the Centre for Informed Society (www.informedsociety.cz).

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