Security academy in Transcarpathia: presentation of a collection to support the defenders of Ukraine and wounded soldiers
Together with several participants in our training projects for students and parliamentary assistants, we...
TEĎ NAOZAJ: Andrea Michalcová: Our plan is to defend the Czech Republic from the decline of democracy, as happened in Hungary
TEĎ NAOZAJ! · Andrea Michalcová: Our plan is to defend the Czech Republic from the decline of democracy, as happened in Hungary This...
Zelensky and Čaputová are two ordinary people who can do great things
Zelensky and Čaputová are two ordinary people who can do great things. This week...
Study Visit of Czech Parliamentary Assistants to Warsaw
Our program for Czech parliamentary assistants enhances their knowledge and competences in the field of foreign and...
TEĎ NAOZAJ: Jakub Mařík: It is no paradox to be on TikTok and at the same time seek strong regulation or ban it
TEĎ NAOZAJ · Jakub Mařík: It is no paradox to be on TikTok and at the same time seek strong regulation or ban it
TEĎ NAOZAJ: Roman Máca : Jiné názory nejsou problém, dokud se za ně nevydává působení ruských tajných služeb
TEĎ NAOZAJ! · Roman Máca: Jiné názory nejsou problém, dokud se za ně nevydává působení ruských tajných služeb Tento...
TEĎ NAOZAJ: Viktor Daněk: Mnoho let si naši politici dělali z EU otloukánka, stalo se to normou
TEĎ NAOZAJ! · Viktor Daněk: Mnoho let si naši politici dělali z EU otloukánka, stalo se to normou Dnešním hostem...
The Closing Seminar of the Fourth Year of the Security Academy was attended by Minister Lipavský
From Wednesday 15 to Friday 17 May 2024, a three-day seminar was held in Brno and Prague to conclude the Security...