Czech-Slovak Relations, Slovakia's Politics, and Future Previews Before Presidential Elections


On Wednesday 24 January 2024, we held our first two events of the year, organising a breakfast for MPs and parliamentary assistants and a briefing for diplomats from the European Union and North Atlantic Treaty Organisation countries. Our guest was Juraj Krúpa, Slovak opposition MP, member of the SaS parliamentary club, member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Slovak Parliament and the Defence and Security Committee of the Slovak Parliament.

The meeting focused mainly on Czech-Slovak relations, the current political and civil situation in Slovakia and its future with regard to the upcoming presidential elections in Slovakia. The discussion also focused on the role of the rule of law, free media, opposition cooperation and active civil society in the context of the decline of democracy in Slovakia.

Last but not least, the importance of Czech-Slovak cooperation and learning from the post-election experience in Slovakia in the context of the upcoming elections to the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic was highlighted.

The programme for parliamentary assistants is supported by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and Pale Fire Capital.